Not quite the Right Way

Dear Member,

At the AGM of Millbrook Lake Mooring Association Ltd held on 14th December 2011 the membership present voted for the following motions by a clear majority.

A.  This meeting agrees in principle to a donation to the Responder Services in 2012


B.  This meeting agrees to consult the whole membership via a covering letter with the licence application form. Option to vote for £1000, £2000, or £3000 donation. To abide by majority decision.

The principle of such a donation was set out in the 2002 constitution of the Millbrook Lake Mooring Association and reiterated in the objectives of the MLMA Ltd when set up in 2005.

In presenting these motions to the AGM,the Board felt that the Association had sufficient funds at this time to contemplate such a gesture.

We ask therefore all licenced members to tick the appropriate box giving your view on the exact amount to be donated. Please return your slip signed [ so that each vote can be accounted for] with the licence application form.

The amount donated will thus be decided by the majority vote of all eligible members.

Thankyou for your participation. If you wish for further clarification please email

Yours sincerely

Charles Clements
