
Change of Ownership at SouthDown


Southdown Quay has had a colourful and turbulent  industrial heritage. The area has been the site of chemical, soap and brick production.  In the 18th century it was the site of the Kings Brewery until 1835. In the 19th century sulphuric acid was manufactured at Cattewater from burning sulphur ore from Spain. The cinders were shipped to Southdown where Silver and Copper were extracted and the remaining iron ore shipped via other British ports to America.The old Southdown Brick Company finally closed in 1956 and some buildings and chimneys demolished in 1972. There have also been Explosive Compound Works and Gun Powder Production Works and there was a major fire in 1865 associated with these works.


More recent history has concerned the use of Southdown Quay as a Marina. That also has not been without its problems but after operating under a lease for several years, Shaun Huggins has now become the owner of Southdown Marina. He has invested and enhanced the Marina during this time and we wish him well in the future. 

For details of services provided see
